
SWE, STEM and Advocacy with Jonna Gerken

This week we welcome my friend and former coworker Jonna Gerken to the show!

Jonna is a highly qualified, process oriented Engineering & Project Manager with 25 years experience in the defense and aerospace industry. Leader of high profile, diverse teams in emerging technologies as well as established products. Strong background in both manufacturing and business process improvements. Champion of diversity & inclusion initiatives throughout industry and respected leader of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE).

Jonna holds a B.S. in Industrial and Management Engineering, as well as a MBA in technology development from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She is a life member of SWE, a senior member of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, and an associate value specialist with SAVE International. She received the 2016 Petit Family Foundation Women in Science Leadership Award from the Connecticut Science Center, the 2014 STEP Award from the Manufacturing Institute, the 2011 Pratt & Whitney Diversity and Inclusion Award, the 2006 SWE Distinguished New Engineer Award, and was a 2004 New Faces of Engineering Finalist for IIE.

Jonna is also a good friend of mine. In this episode, we talk about her experiences being a woman in a male-dominated industry, and how she’s been working hard to advocate for changes to help make their paths easier. A big part of Lean is helping to challenge “this is the way we’ve always done it”, which Jonna does on a grand scale for great reasons. She’s an inspiration, and one fo the smartest people I know or have ever worked with. As always – I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you get something from it! Make it a great week!

Jonna’s contact info:

Jonna’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonnagerken/

Jonna’s Twitter – https://twitter.com/JonnaGerken

Society of Women Engineers – https://swe.org/

New England Lean Consulting is the Northeast’s premier business consulting firm, helping small-to-medium sized businesses with strategic leadership and operational methodologies that help your company lower costs, increase capacity and win more customers. Our industry experienced consultants provide guidance with the latest business solutions that help you to grow your business deliberately and strategically in order to sustain a long-term competitive advantage within the marketplace.

Paul W. Critchley, President & Founder of New England Lean Consulting:

Company website: https://newenglandleanconsulting.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NELeanguyLinkedin

Company page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/new-england-lean-consulting/

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2sAIveqtNqE1fpRGXcdbXQ

Paul’s LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-critchley-lean-consultant/

Lean Communicators Website: https://leancommunicators.com/
